Founder & Creative Director

Cathy Boles Mineo

As Founder and Creative Director Of The Art Room, Cathy holds a B.S. in Art Education K-12 and a Masters in Education K-6. With over 25 years of experience instructing artists from preschool through 8th grade, she brings her love for children and for creative expression into her studio curriculum and classes. Her vision is to encourage art that is child-directed, choice-driven, and celebrates the experience of discovery, where the final product is always unique and the focus lies in the creation of the work, not the outcome. Cathy is the proud mom of 5 children and 3 grandsons.

The Art Room in The Media

"Downtown Scranton has welcomed a new place for budding artists."

See The Scranton Time Article

The Art Room’s mission is to offer a variety of process art classes for children who are toddler through 14 years old, in order to inspire creativity regardless of skill level.

Our Vision

Through the artistic process, students will develop 4 essential skills; communication, collaboration, critical thinking and most importantly creativity, in order to prepare them for the future.

Critical Thinking




These four skills are essential for modern students to succeed both in school and the future workplace.They often make the biggest impact in terms of setting students apart when applying for and starting their careers.